A lot of actors say they have more fun playing the bad guy. But what happens when the bad guy they’re portraying actually has a point and their actions are just misunderstood?
Is it still fun? Seeing as how I’m not an actor, I can’t answer that question. But this makes me think: are there famous TV/movie villains who may have not really been villains after all? I mean, nobody is just born bad, right? They evolved and grow into evil, right?
Regardless of if you agree, you have to admit that across the different mediums, you’ve unfortunately found yourself nodding in agreement with their motives even if you had a problem with their methods.
Keeping that in mind, let’s look at a handful of Black “heroes” who were simply misunderstood.
Kicking things off strong, “Black Panther’s” Erik Killmonger, pictured above, was rightfully supposed to be king. After finding his father dead and witnessing the horrible treatment of Black and brown folks in America, all he really wanted to do was get what he was owed and get ahead as a people. Is that so wrong?!